Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kitchen Renovation - The Journey - Intro

O.K., here we go stepping off that frightening and uncertain  precipice, laughingly, referred to as the renovation or the kitchen I've deserved for 40 years. Fortified with a lunch of Cannelloni Carni and a crisp white wine, let's get a few things behind us [as though you really cared]. Sharing this journey may help the multitude of us lost in the morass of creation within the confines of an older home .... mountain rancher [first section built 1949, completed 1952].

The driving August rain and muddy red clay dampened moving day, 1949; my parents had built the house. And, except for 5 years during college, it has been my home. You see, my husband and I bought it from my parents, as Mitchell [husband] loved it. Parents had moved to NC while I was in school and rented the house. At one point Mitchell suggested we update the kitchen, but not increase it's size ...... so nothing occurred. Rediscovering and defining myself over the past 12 years since his sudden death, finally feel the time has come for my kitchen.

For years, refined my wishful drawing until everything was worked into the space that included enclosing a deck that more than doubled the working space. Summer 2011 took the plunge and found a contractor. Following his recommendation, an architect was brought on board. He was so enthusiastic we were excited to see his vision of the possibilities. To say the least, disappointment was the kindest description of our reaction. He had actually simply redrawn my sketches on a computer program. AND, had omitted the number one need .... an elevator. He never returned to talk about issues; allowing the contractor to deal with my frustrations. So time drags past into Fall. Then miracle of miracles, a neighbor mentions an acquaintance who is an artist/architect that might be able to relate to my issues and sense of style. Happiness is a team of architects that actually listen, then translate it into something you never dream could possibly be yours. Would have moved into those drawing immediately..... they gave me my home in spades. Now all we have to do is ..... well, put it together. But first, there is the issue of the "potato cellar" storage/studio.

Yes, that was "potato cellar". It was dug in the late 1800's, early 1900's for storage of root crops and firm fruits. You see, this property had been part of a farm; we have the potato cellar and a cistern to store rain water. Therefore, to utilize it properly, the bottom [in ground into elevation] floor will store yard equipment.The above ground floor will be used for storage during construction; then later, a pottery studio. This has, as yet, not been created due to Christmas ..... so am patiently waiting.

Your eyes have probably rolled back into your head at this point but yesterday actually spent a few hours learning about "new age" kitchen equipment. Drove home exhausted with overload. After a decent nights sleep, reviewed cooking 101. Boy, things sure have changed. The options considered were to buy the best ovens [Wolf], gas counter cook top [probably Electrolux 6 burner that will ignite with out power and comparable to Wolf], Bosch dishwasher, Scotsman ice maker, a refrigerator and a freezer [undetermined, as yet].

Time for the cramped 1950's pine paneled galley kitchen go away allowing that space to become the dining room, the north facing deck becomes my painting/writing studio with lots of windows. If you can see it, the "new" construction will be in the opposite direction; building south from the front wall of the existing house at the present kitchen door.

Bet I lost most of you with the second paragraph; but those who stayed and are in the midst of, are starting or are considering this activity, we could have a fresh pot of tea, get acquainted and share thoughts on this journey. I'm told misery loves company or the journey is the joy. So here's to us all where ever we are in the mix ....... I am soooooo ready!!!!!

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